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Kitbashing Leviathan Tyranids

Kitbashing Leviathan Tyranids

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Little and medium beasties

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 1
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The basic plan is to assemble some sort of Tyranid army. Not worrying to much about the rules.

The main aim is to get a nice range of monsters for using in a TTRPG campaign.

I’m only going to use the parts from the box due to the lack of any suitable bits in the bits box.

20 Termagants, 11 Neurogaunts and 2 Barbgaunts got assembled with no conversions.

(I didn’t bother converting the minions)

Prime and 2 leapersPrime and 2 leapers

2 Von Ryan’s Leapers lost there mantis claws.

(will need to add some more arms)

The Winged Tyranid Prime lost its wings.

1 Von Ryan’s Leaper lost there mantis claws. But gained some wings.


3 Barbgaunts lost there ranged weapons. But gained some mantis claws.

(Will need some Greenstuff for where the weapon would attach to the body)


By just doing basic arm swaps I was able to get the medium sized models done quickly. Although I still have to do some bits and bobs to finish them off.

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