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KoW Armada

KoW Armada

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Basilean Dictator

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4

I painted this months ago after 3d printing it but never got around to posting it up. Whelp!

This is a beast of a ship and pretty fun to use, when those broadsides hit right they dish out some serious punishment!

Had an issue with the printing though, and not because anything failed. When the files were uploaded to the Vault there was a version where the prow wings were separate like on the resin cast product. Only there was no file for the missing wings. But there was a second file for the hull with integrated wings I noticed after printing. Whelp again, I’m going without!

Basilean Dictator
Basilean Dictator

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Cult of Games Member

The colour scheme reminds me of delicious citrus-cream-cake 8)

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