Manda’s (Amachan) Tsumugi
Recommendations: 20
About the Project
In this project I am sculpting and painting the probe from Tsumugi from Knights of Sidonia.
Related Genre: Science Fiction
This Project is On Hold
Project On Hold.
I have been struggling with massive disabilities causing me to not be able to paint or build miniatures. The major disabilities limiting my hobby are tremors in my right hand making it very unstable and lots of pain in my left which I was learning to paint with. I am getting physiotherapy to try and help me cope with the disabilities, but I am not sure it is going to solve anything. I do not know if I will be able to return to miniature painting and such and for now I am starting a new project involving LEGO, something I can do with my disabilities.
Skeleton Ahead!
I got the internal skeleton in place for the Tsumugi Probe that I am sculpting.
Planking Done.
I used a hobby saw to saw the edges close to the base and than sanded it smooth, so now I have a lovely planked base. I am going to seal it in with some watered down PVA glue.
The Madness Starts at the Base.
I started sticking bits of coffee stirrer to an MDF base…. I am going to need to trim them to the edge of the base once the glue has set.
What is this Project?
In this project I am going to be sculpting and painting my very own version of Tsumugi’s probe. Anyone who has watched the anime Knights of Sidonia or Sidonia no Kishi in Japanese from season 2 onwards will know who Tsumugi is. She is the big Gauna(Alien)/Human hybrid as seen in the image below.
But what attracted me most was the probe, it was so different that I kind of related to it very well. Odd maybe, but that’s where I am. So now I thought I’d go an sculpt my own. I believe that this is within my sculpting skills to do. So this is what the probe looks like:
NO, it is not a penis….
In the future I may want to paint the full Tsumugi as I did find a nice 3D print model for her, which I linked down below.