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Painting Marvel Crisis Protocol With 144Artist

Painting Marvel Crisis Protocol With 144Artist

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Some Work in Progress

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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While I didn’t finish anything last night, I did get a couple of minis worked on and some terrain pieces are almost done.  Put in some time with highlights and details on the Winter Soldier figure.  He is coming along well.  another hour of work nd he should be ready for primer.  Applied the base coats to She-Hulk.  Sadly, one of the darker paints ran down her back and arm so I will have to fix that tonight before I can move on with her.

Some Work in Progress
Some Work in Progress
This one is for Gerry, being a tad out of focus.  The spot of yellow on his shoulder is filler.This one is for Gerry, being a tad out of focus. The spot of yellow on his shoulder is filler.
Some Work in Progress
That blob of dark blue is going to be a problem.That blob of dark blue is going to be a problem.

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