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Undead Horde (the Old World)

Undead Horde (the Old World)

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Dirty Down Rust

Tutoring 10
Skill 10
Idea 10
Must try for rust effect!Must try for rust effect!

You can apply it directly or mix it with some paint (orange) or pigment powder.

It dries in two minutes. Then you take a damp brush/cotton swab to remove sone of it and smooth it out.

Initial application Initial application
After using a damp brushAfter using a damp brush
Before cleaningBefore cleaning
After a damp brush After a damp brush

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Alexandrenightrunner Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

I really love this project and I will be using it as a reference when I start my Undead army for ‘Kings of War’ after August (I am currently working on Ogres – one army at a time!). So if you see me blatantly and unashamedly copying your work – please be gentle with your comments!

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