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Painting the Evil Barbarian

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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I started painting my evil barbarian this week. His cloak is stitched together so I decided I would try to paint it as the flesh of his human victims Texas chainsaw style ?. I had no real idea how this would turn out as I had never really attempted something like this. I documented the process below.

step 1 base coat of pro acryl shadow flesh

step 2 A wash of citadel drukki violet followed by a light wash of army painter jump suit shader once dry.

step 3 Highlights were gradually applied by adding pro acryl tan flesh to the shadow flesh. I used a feathering motion in an attempt to add some texture

step 4 finally the stitching was picked out with citadel zandri dust.

I am really pleased with how it turned out and it was fun to try something new

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