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Amatuer Crafting of Fantasy or Sci Fi Terrain.

Amatuer Crafting of Fantasy or Sci Fi Terrain.

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I swear I am CURSED

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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At least my photo is right side up, now. Hut with Drybrushed roofAt least my photo is right side up, now. Hut with Drybrushed roof

I’d swear to God if I weren’t an athiest I must be cursed. Every little thing I attempt to do blows up in my face at every little chance it gets.

I get an Iwata airbrush, it breaks, several times. I have to buy replacement nozzles several times, once because the nozzle I just bought, BROKE when I was screwing it on. And when the airbrush somehow IS working properly, then the COMPRESSOR goes bust. So then I buy a new compressor, with an airbrush, said airbrush is NOT gravity fed. The paint pot not only connects to the airbrush from below, it doesn’t even have a lid to stop spillage! Who designs an airbrush like this?

When I finally make some progress in priming the hut, I run out of primer. And the local arts and crafts store doesn’t have any, or apparently ANYTHING relating to airbrushes anymore. So I drive 30 minutes to a giant hobby store that’s only accessed through a series of left turns on one way roads (all swarming with rushing traffic) go inside and get a jar of primer and golden brown paint. The total is a little $20 Canadian, unfortunately I don’t find out until I get to the cashier… I currently only have $10 in my account.

And people wonder why I’m always grumpy. Anyway, here’s the hut, completely primed and with a roof drybrushed in that golden brown paint.

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