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Dungeon Delvers

Dungeon Delvers

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The Wizard

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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First mini off the rank was the wizard. I have used pro acryl paints from monument hobbies for the last few years. They give great coverage and you will struggle to over thin them so once you have used them for a while. Generally I only use the base coat colour and highlight up by adding pale yellow gradually for each highlight. I feel that this helps give a good transition. I ten to do an all over wash with army painter strong tone after the base coats are applied. I know this is not popular among high end painters but it works for me. Iwill note the colours used assume they are pro acryl unless stated.

skin – base shadow flesh, highlights tan flesh

trousers – Dark grey blue

tunic – Golden Brown

boots and belts – Dark umber

hair and gloves – Sandro dust (citadel)

silver – dark silver

gold – Rich Gold.

Cloak  – Bold pyrolle Red

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