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The Umbrella Academy

The Umbrella Academy

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The Temps Aeternalis

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2

The Temps Aeternalis are the sort of time cops who take a more permanent approach to anomalies in the time line.

By killing them, obviously.

The speedpaints are growing on me, the red and yellow on these is just straight from the pot and looks pretty good to me. They give a nice coverage and enough highlights that I’m not going to worry about going back in on batch painting like this.

They are also the last batch of minis finished off in the box! Hope you all enjoyed browsing through and thanks to the OTT team for the Golden Button I was awarded a few weeks back. Always nice to hear that others like what I am doing! So, project complete and on to the next thing!

The Temps Aeternalis
The Temps Aeternalis
All of the things!All of the things!

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