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Building Balin's Tomb With 144Artist

Building Balin's Tomb With 144Artist

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Entering the Long Dark That is Moria...

Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 8
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The STLs came from LV427-Designs, The final layout of this piece is going to be about two feet by two feet with cover and areas of different heights as well as flavorful texture all over these pieces.  Mike printed and numbered each piece according to the schematic provided by LV 427 which is very helpful because it isn’t exactly obvious how they all go together when it is all piled up like this.

This is the box full of parts for the tomb.This is the box full of parts for the tomb.
This is the layout for the parts.  Thank goodness Mike has labeled everything.  Only one more row to print which he says I should receive by mid-February.This is the layout for the parts. Thank goodness Mike has labeled everything. Only one more row to print which he says I should receive by mid-February.
Each piece is about one handful.  Still not sure what I will glue together or how much of a framework I need to buildEach piece is about one handful. Still not sure what I will glue together or how much of a framework I need to build
Minimal layer lines so should paint up very nicely.Minimal layer lines so should paint up very nicely.
This will be the entry way once the doors are in and the top is attached.This will be the entry way once the doors are in and the top is attached.

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Cult of Games Member

This looks fantastic.

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