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Epic Dungeonering

Epic Dungeonering

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Notes by me

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 6
Notes by me

I pretty much agree with Em. It does feel really slow sometimes, which I think could be sorted by making movement 2 d6  But only one card can be flipped per player turn. I also think some form of range attack maybe needed as well.

With this in mind the monsters movement would need increasing as well to accommodate for this.

In our test game I couldn’t find the 10mm wizard model, but I found a dragon which I substuded him for.. But the dragon seemed a lot of fun so a special dragon pit card might need adding.

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Christopher SouthwellAlexandre Recent comment authors
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Just a thought: 2d6 gives a wide range of movement (from 2 to 12).
You may be better off with something like d6+2, so your range is 3 to 8

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