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Redvers and Son Get Into Bushido

Redvers and Son Get Into Bushido

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Faction Terrain

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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I’ve put together a few faction specific terrain pieces and time for some more. In this case, more Cult of Yurei terrain that you can purchase into your warband to provide enhancements.

First up, we have a Haunted Well. In game, this removes the Courage, Bravery and Leadership skills from opposing models, so particularly handy if the Cult really wants to double down on the fact that many of the models have the Fear trait.

For this model, I just searched the usual 3d printing sites for a suitable option. I looked hard for a suitable Japanese flavoured well but didn’t find anything that would sensibly fit on a 30mm round base, which this terrain requires. So I ended up with a more western flavoured well. I thought about how I could make it ‘haunted’ but drew a blank, both in the 3d modelling perspective and the the painting perspective.

Once printed, this got luftwaffe grey for the stone, a nuln oil wash and then a dry brush. The wood was flat earth, dark brown wash and then an Iraqi Sand dry brush. The tiles were a cheap green acrylic (as I’ve used on some other terrain) followed by a green ink wash and then a dry brush highlight of goblin green. I usually varnish everything in matt but in this case, I used a gloss on the tile for that far Eastern glazed look.

The Cult can also have a desecrated grave as deployable terrain. This is particularly handy if you want to run a Kairai (zombie) warband as it allows you to deploy your Kairai next to the grave, rather than on your back line. So a great way of catapulting your forces forward.

Rather than 3d print this, I found some great resin models through Oshiro Models. And while I was on the site, it seemed a shame not to buy some of their other stuff, but that’s my next post.

So this was an easy build. Grey for the stone, nuln oil wash and a dry brush. This was then stuck to a couple of 40mm (base size for this terrain) plasticard discs (to give it a little height). The grave was glued to the base and then some acrylic mud was smeared across bottom. To make it ‘desecrated’, I created a hole at the front of the grave as if it had been dug up. Some brown and then red was stippled on to create a blood effect. And then the whole lot got flocked. Easy

A grave, that has been desecratedA grave, that has been desecrated

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