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FINALLY! My dream project - The Black Coach

FINALLY! My dream project - The Black Coach

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The driver was also an opportunity to use my magenta and purple colour scheme. I began with his clothing, using Flayed One Flesh highlighted with Bleached Linen for his under-robe, and Screamer Pink highlighted with Pink Horror for his top robe. I didn’t use inks or anything on this bit, as I loved the boldness of the colours against the dark coach.

For his mask and the metalwork of his weapon and whip, I used the same Tainted Gold/Nuln Oil as before.

His whip was painted in Army Painter Leather Brown, then Agrax Earthshade wash, and highlighted with Vallejo Old Wood and MSP Bleached Linen.

Finally, the ribbon was Naggaroth Night highlighted with Genestealer Purple and Dechala Lilac.

That’s as far as I’ve got today. Hopefully I’ll get a bit more done tomorrow, if the shop’s not too busy. This is without doubt my favourite thing I’ve ever painted, and it’s pushing me to do my best work. I honestly think I’ll be a better painter for having done this project, and I love that.

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