More Perry Ottoman Infantry For Napoleonic Wargaming!

January 9, 2024 by brennon

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Perry Miniatures recently added a whole bunch of new miniatures to their 28mm metal range for Napoleonic wargaming. You can snag yourself some rather impressive 1790-1815 options for your Ottomans covering Egyptians and Janissaries.

Egyptian Fellahin Musketeers Skirmishing & Firing - Perry Miniatures

Egyptian Fellahin Musketeers Skirmishing & Firing // Perry Miniatures

There is a mix of handy Ottoman infantry miniatures that could be used throughout this period and perhaps even beyond. At their core, there are plenty of Egyptian Fellahin who come in a variety of different poses, namely skirmishing, firing, advancing and running.

Egyptian Fellahin Musketeers Advancing & Running - Perry Miniatures

Egyptian Fellahin Musketeers Advancing & Running // Perry Miniatures

There are some more wonderful miniatures as part of this collection armed with those iconic weapons with the banding down the musket. As well as Egyptians armed with their muskets, you can also get your hands on Egyptians who are armed with swords for getting up close and personal.

Egyptian Fellahin Attacking With Swords - Perry Miniatures

Egyptian Fellahin Attacking With Swords // Perry Miniatures

Perry Miniatures pointed out that the Egyptians could be used throughout the Mid-19th Century and perhaps into the 20th Century if you wanted.

New Janissaries!

On the other side of things, we also have the fantastic Janissaries in their campaign dress. They wore turbans in black which was to signify the assault troops amongst the army.

Janissaries In Campaign Dress Skirmishing - Perry Miniatures

Janissaries In Campaign Dress Skirmishing // Perry Miniatures

Janissaries In Campaign Dress With Cahouk Hats - Perry Miniatures

Janissaries In Campaign Dress With Cahouk Hats // Perry Miniatures

Janissaries In Campaign Dress Attacking - Perry Miniatures

Janissaries In Campaign Dress Attacking // Perry Miniatures

The Egyptians were neat but I think that these new Janissaries are some fantastic miniatures. As well as being good miniatures in terms of the sculpts, they also look like they would be exceptionally fun to paint. There is so much character, especially in the last set of miniatures and you could see all of these folks being the main character in their own swashbuckling story.

All of these 28mm miniatures are available over on the Perry Miniatures Webstore right now so make sure to go and scoop them up for your Ottomans!

Will you be picking these up?

" could see all of these folks being the main character in their own swashbuckling story"

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