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Soul Drinkers project 2023 – 2024

Soul Drinkers project 2023 – 2024

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Project Blog by Corax.cox Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 206

About the Project

15 years in pre production reading the books way back .. After sitting on the primaris marines from the indomitus box and the leviathan box set. I've been building and putting off doing this project doing bits n bobs to it . Now with 2024 no new year old army it's finish 1000 points first . On this page I will be showing old images and show my progress this will help motivate me ( also feed the ADHD brain of mine with dopamine ?)

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Warp powers & glowing bits

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Wanting to try out some glowing warp runes . I thinned out some of the worse white paint ever corax white and dabbed the tip of the brush into the middle of the rune bits where the gloss coat let it run into the grooves ( messly ) :/ not a fan but I believe I can tidy it up later .

Then using thinned down green stuff world flour green …. Thinned down as in have of the pigment in the bottle was dried solid so I dipped the brush in basically medium and some pigment .

I have ordered some good oil paint white so I will do panel lining method with this to hopefully make it pop better .

Here is how it ended up so far under black light .
still plenty to get done

Decal trouble part 2

Tutoring 0
Skill 0
Idea 0
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After receiving great advice from hobby hangout and few other people online I am looking at to correct the issues .

With the warped decals I already have done I will remove the in fixed parts then add weathering damage .

Decal troubles

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4
1 Comment

well that was a few weeks of none hobby due to off and on flu … so for a few hours on and off this week I’ve added decals to the rest of the army . I’ve been using micro-set and micro-sol and well it’s been annoying they just won’t flatten out ? .

Hopped on good old local hobby store that’s packed with model kits, train sets & all the paint / modelling supply’s where I picked up the Ak interactive decal applications I will see what’s better .

Any tips or hints will be appreciated

Just for you Lloyd ?

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 5
They do in fact fight in and through a living thing   ?They do in fact fight in and through a living thing ?

Life and weather gets in the way ?

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 5
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Freezing in the shed Freezing in the shed

It’s been pretty cold where I am so I’ve not forced myself to paint . I have been casually doing gold trim and the imperial eagle on the basic marines

Do not fear the mistakes or mess it's fixable

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
1 Comment

One thing I have feared is mucking things up and this has helped hold me back in doing hobby . It set me in a paralysed hobby state where things got put off .

NO more !

embrace the corrections we can fix it if not there’s always bio strip for an hour and start again .

With over spill either from black or metallics you can always come back and tidy it up .


See the back pack and vent caps .

Applying some white over them enough to cover . I am hoping that the streaking grime wash will hide some of the bits in the gaps.

Next 3 on the painting block

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Humidity and cold is not a friend to an airbrush !

Blasting away in the shed with the airbrush I hit a snag with the cold and moisture in the air it will cause clumping issues .

I had got to a happy stage with the base and under coat so the brush will have to do from now on .

500 points finished !

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Finished off my first 500points challenge while watching/listening to THE WEEKENDER woop woop


Setting a 500points a week target of table top ready

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 5
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Simple target right ?

I hope it is .

so 500 points a week most of mu units are base coated already so it’s all trim , decals , weapons then simple weathering with washes or powders .

So new year same army

Tutoring 6
Skill 9
Idea 7
1 Comment

Finishing the terminators and dreadnought .

using AK washes starship filth and nato dust wash on legs to look like it’s dust kicked up

Trim , decals and marble bits

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 8
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Hitting the trim with storm cast gold . I wanted to add some contrast using marble so I based the parts black then stretched a dried out wet wipe .
loaded white  ink I airbrushed over this .

Since October  I was hunting down soul drinkers chapter symbols . No one had them 🙁 I put the project on hold , then I spotted some on Etsy praise the Architect of Change ? if you know you know .

Airbrushing commence !

Tutoring 5
Skill 9
Idea 7
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Colour testing

Tutoring 9
Skill 8
Idea 8
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Looking at the book covers the Souldrinkers have a metallic purple almost a lacquer .

I was mulling over how to do it .
Testing a silver metallic then airbrushing an LIQUITEX dark violet ink in two coats on test minis

Colour testing
I found the silver to be better I found the silver to be better

So I've built the force

Tutoring 4
Skill 6
Idea 7
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Back in 2020  I  brought the indomitus box set built the marines then lost interest .

Fast forward to 2023 December  I unearthed my old Souldrinkers novels and boom inspired .

Ordered leviathan then built everything 🙂