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Review: Godtear - Light but with lots of depth

January 3, 2024 by lawnor Cult of Games Member

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I backed the KS for this and was a little disappointed when the models arrived.  They looked like the renders we'd been shown, but the detail seemed shallower.  I rushed through the paint job on them, putting in the minimum effort as I'd lot my enthusiasm for them.  I was surprised to see they came out looking really good with a half hearted paint job.  They look great on the table and I'd happily mix them in with other companies minis for a mini agnostic system.  I finished painted them just in time for Covid to hit, so I did not get a game in for a couple of years, and mostly forgot about it.

However, about a year ago a friend of mine who also backed the KS decided he really needed to give the game a fair chance to decide if he was keeping or selling his stuff, so we tried it and we loved it.  It's a great game.  It's simple.  There's not much you can do, so that makes everything you do feel important.  In a full size 3 champions vs 3 champions game you only get to make 12 action per phase(2 per champion, and each champion has a unit of followers who can also take 2 actions), 2 phases per turn (Plot and clash.  The plot phase is about getting in to position, and setting up for the clash, and the clash is mostly about fighting and stomping banners) Everyone has different stats and actions in the different phases), with a max of 5 turns in a game, usually ending sooner.  Despite this, it's a challenging, fun game.  You get very few actions, so every action matters and you can get lost in analysis paralysis so easily.  It's simple enough that my regular opponent is a 6 year old and he always poses a challenge and occasionally beats me (usually with a little help from me or his dad in the final round.)

Everyone should give this a go.  The starter boxes say they're enough to try the game.  They lie.  They have 2 champions in, but a 1v1 game has nothing to it.  You're not making any decisions.  You're just doing what the stat cards say you can.  You are not playing a game and it is not fun.  However, a 2v2 game is a full experience and what I usually end up playing.  All the rules and stat cards are free online so there's no reason you can't mock up a pitch and proxy the whole game, or buy 1 starter set and proxy a couple of warbands.  The KS models often appear cheap on eBay.  I have printed up all the cards at double size for the 6 year old as he is still learning to read.

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Godtear is my go-to “quick and easy” game. It sets up fast, plays fast, the constant back and forth and tension watching the score ladder move around is great and changing stuff between games is so easy.

Absolutely an underrated gem of a game that more people should give a fair shake to.