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Collins Does a German Winter Offensive

Collins Does a German Winter Offensive

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Building and Priming

Tutoring 9
Skill 11
Idea 10
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Building and Priming
Building and Priming

I ended up buying some cool metal models from the Stalingrad winter range sold by great escape games and picked up a few sprues from Facebook marketplace and eBay for the warlord plastics. I quite like the models to have as much ‘kit’ on them as possible. It irks me when I see toy soldier armies constantly fighting light when in my experience, if you don’t carry it, you don’t have/receive it and thus you got cold/hungry at night.

None of them came with bases so I pootled off down the bank to withdraw £1 in bases (2p coins)

Once built to suit the list I then primed everything in Halfords basic white primer and for those models in greatcoats of majority fieldgrey uniform I airbrushed over that with German field grey by Vallejo model colour.

In the top picture you can see my test models for the colour scheme, a sniper team from great escape games with what I feel are overly large heads… them boys are clearly the brains of this platoon

Building and Priming

with the 2p bases I also did a few tests of the basing materials I had picked up from my local generic model kit/train shop.

Im glad I did this as I observed some interesting effects, the snow diorama mix picked up colour from the maybe below it and so did the GW vallhallen blizzard paint too.

not an issue, I can varnish between the layers but im glad I did the test. check out the GerryCan videos on this topic, quite helpful.

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