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Just a little something

Just a little something

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Tutoring 8
Skill 9
Idea 9
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Slowly making progress through the ‘dungeon box tiles’ for want of a better word.  Took a break from burning myself with a hot glue gun to slap on a primer of black Mod Podge.

At the moment I am thinking that I will steer away from traditional grey stone walls and try something different, although I am very fickle and that could change.

Each individual box is taking a while as I have to insert metal wires into all the walls to allow me to magnetise additional features to change up the look of the dungeon.

I am also seriously considering doing some transitional bits to take it from brickwork to a more carved rockface for some of it and possible some wooden elements.


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Mod Podging
Mod Podging
Mod Podging

I keep getting drawn back to the Labyrinth board game for some reason.  Maybe it’s a sign that I should have not promised to do this as part of my Cedarwood Road project.  Maybe I have angered the malevolent spirits of Cedarwood with this idea and now they are poisoning my dreams with images of this cursed Ravensburger game.  It’s calling to me.  Spooky.


Or maybe it’s just a stonkingly fun game for the kids and that makes me happy.

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