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A Black Seas spanish fleet - part 1: the flagship

Tutoring 4
Skill 6
Idea 6
Santa AnaSanta Ana

Since my FoW project is halted at 50pts now until my opponent geht’s some stuff done I got back to a project that I paused 2019.

My plan was to just build a british fleet at 1000pts but since I got a 3rd rate ship left over I thought building another fleet might be a nice Idea.


A Black Seas spanish fleet - part 1: the flagship

So after I finished the last vessel for my royal navy I started of with the spanish flagship.

The Santa Ana was a 112 gut 1st rate ship which took part at the battle of trafalgar. There she got into a brutal close quarter fight with collingwoods flagship HMS Royal Souvereign.

After our first game getting back into the rules we now tinker with the idea to replay the part of trafalgar were Collingwoods line clashed into the franco spanish fleet. Warlord games has written a scenario for this part of the battle of Trafalgar.

I tried to get the Santa Ana done in a more historical fashion than most of warlords paintjobs.

The yellow ochre I used got a bit of a brownish hue to distinguish them more from their british counterparts.

The rigging and crew miniatures aswell as the photo etched ratlines were a pain to ad so for the other ships I will use a more simple way.

Technically those 3 ships can give me a solid 1000pts list with lots of firepower. However the Santa Ana is cheap … like way to cheap. Maybe we will houserule something here.

The Bahama (74 gun 3rd rate) just need her flag while the Monarca (74 3rd rate aswell) is still wip. Both were present at trafalgar and will complete the spanish part of the scenario we want to play.

My british and spanish fleets so far.My british and spanish fleets so far.

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Cult of Games Member

these are works of art, well done, they’re beautiful

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