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Project Cornetto

Project Cornetto

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A labour of love. The photodump.

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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I had no idea how this was going to play out. I was stressed and tired from building all night and I now had 8 of my colleagues looking at me. I say looking at me, that only when I commenced. Hell they spent a long time just pouring over the table. I cant blame them. I spent ages just scrolling through the map as it were.

Each player brought their own custom model to represent them, or borrowed one of mine that visually matched their appearance.

I put all the pics up on the Walking Dead AOW FB group and the feedback has been lovely. I’m humbled by the positive comments.

I really enjoyed a recent comment on the facebook group when I posted all my images; I cant seem to see this comment anymore but it mentioned that each time they looked at a picture, they discovered something new with every viewing. This brought a great sense of joy as I meant I had accomplished something I had intended when trying to make the board immersive and detailed.

So here’s the board in all its glory before I take you down the path of the 8 survivors who showed up and set forth towards the fictional town of Docking. Keep an eye on the road signs, they held in jokes and messages meant for my work group. I will add images with captions as I go and bring you on the summarised version of an 8 hour, no breaks, epic gaming marathon.


This project was a labour of love and I look forward to playing more games using all the terrain. I will play Shaun of the Dead, when I get around to writing a full scenario for it.

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