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Salute 2024 dungeon/arena

Salute 2024 dungeon/arena

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The first base building blocks are created and tested.

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 5
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It all started with a crazy idea after reading a book about Daleks. In the book was the schematics for a Dalek drop ship that looked like a strangely shaped egg box. I thought I might be able to use my new 3d printer to make it so I taught my self how to use Microsoft 3d builder with YouTube vids and started to play around. Before long I was developing a modular terrain system that could be used to make buildings and space hulk style tunnels. being a glutton for punishment I decided to put it to the test by making a full 2 by 2 foot Dungeon/Arena for my clubs table at Salute 2024.

I decided to make the base tile 21mm by 21mm so making a corridor 2 tiles wide would make the corridor 42mm. This would allowing a terminator on 40mm base to pass. 3 tiles wide would make a corridor 63mm wide and allow a monster/dreadnought etc. on a 60mm base to pass.

after designing several base parts I printed enough to make a test corner to prove it would work.

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