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Advent Calendar - Bar Room Brawl

Advent Calendar - Bar Room Brawl

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Day 9. A festive mystery.

Tutoring 0
Skill 0
Idea 1

Today the cardboard gods have offered up chairs, plates, a fire and … these things.

What on earth are these?What on earth are these?

Also forgetting to do this on train wi-fi and doing it at half time in the early kick off is rubbish

Don't do project updates at the sports, kidsDon't do project updates at the sports, kids

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somegeezerAnthony Waggettsundancer Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

I am wondering the same with the two little brown parts. Extra Fire?


I’m 57 next month and this makes me feel like I’m 5 and a bit. The excitement of opening the doors and the temptation to cheat and open a couple in advance! Good to see I’m not the only one struggling to find time to get things done but can’t wait to see how all these items are used. Maybe we can push each other get the paint on. Good luck.

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