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Peel Tower Reconstruction on Semple Loch, Scotland

Peel Tower Reconstruction on Semple Loch, Scotland

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Finally on to the Roof

Tutoring 9
Skill 8
Idea 8
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Still chipping away at the tower house. I levelled the walls out a bit by spreading filler over them then I started sticking stonework to the ground floor. I added card and coffee stirrers to create some nice floor surfaces for the 1st and 2nd floors. The roof is coming along nicely but I’ve still to put a roof on the turret, add a few faux crenellations, and stick some card down as roof slates.

I think it’ll still take a fair bit of time to get the rest of the exterior stonework on the walls so could be Xmas before I even get on to painting. Might be able to enter it into next year’s spring clean challenge the way things are going 🙂

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