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Tagged: hobby pledge 2024
This topic contains 36 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by jondaw 4 weeks ago.
December 4, 2023 at 2:28 pm #1851935
It’s December, so it’s time to put this out there once again (Last years page for reference). It’s that time of the year when I start thinking about my hobby progress for the current year and my hobby goals for the next year.
As some of you may know, for the past few years I’ve been running a thread like this, this, this, this, or this. This is a communal place to post your hobby new years resolutions. Please set yourself some goals below, add them to the spreadsheet and post your progress across the year here. If we can all see each others progress towards these goals then it provides encouragement and motivation for us all. I’m looking at the progress sheet for 2023 (2023 tab at the bottom) and I can see a lot of progress ongoing, and I’ve seen lots of results in the thread. There’s been a lot of great work.
Here are some guidelines:
- Set yourself some realistic hobby goals for 2024, allowing yourself plenty of wiggle room to buy and focus on new stuff because its going to happen. For example, I usually paint just north of 300 models a year, but I realise I’ve slowed down now I’m out of bulk paintables so in the past I’ve try to pledge under 150, but I’m aiming for well below 100 this year, but with contingencies to grow, depending on what I’m playing and what arrives when. It’s early December right now and I’ve finished all the goals I could, except the paint-more-than-I-gain one. Black Friday messed that up for me, but its a WIP.
- Don’t let this force you to do things you don’t want to do, or to paint faster or harder than you are comfortable. It’s meant to add encouragement and fun to the hobby only, not to ruin it for you.
- Feel free to change your pledge as time goes by to keep it attainable and fun.
- Consider adding conditions, such as “I’ll only aim for this if my KS arrives before July” to give yourself options and breathing space.
- You know those models you’ve been putting off painting for a while? Perhaps they intimidate you? Perhaps they’re a lot of work? Pledge to get them done. Setting yourself a deadline and allowing yourself to feel publicly accountable for missing it can be the push you need to get them done.
- If you pledge something open ended like “hit 100% complete in my Tyranid army by the end of 2024”, do not count models gained in December 2023. That’s not realistic, or fair on yourself.
- Don’t be afraid to change your pledge as the situation changes. Once again, it’s meant to be fun, not a burden. I know mine will not be static until the start of the new year at least. I’m still working out what my goals want to be. They largely depend on what Kickstarters arrive when. I know I want to embrace playing more.
Anyway, here’s the link to the editable shared Pledge Spreadsheet for 2024(2024 tab at bottom). Get thinking about what you want to achieve, and add yourself, and post a summary below. Tweak as you see fit until the start of the new year. Check out last years post and sheet for examples, and my pledge below.
Let me know if the links don’t work or aren’t editable. They work for me but it’s my sheet.
December 4, 2023 at 2:29 pm #1851936I have run out of batch paintable models now and only really have pieces I want to take my time on. I’m aiming for quality over quantity this year, along with more of a focus on solo playing campaign-based board games.
Gaming Pledges
- Finish Gloomhaven with friends (Started March 2018) (Currently 7 missions left, and perhaps new side missions?)
- Start new campaign game with friends
- Any 3 of the following solo plays:
Finish C3 of ATO
Finish C4 of ATO
Finish C5 of ATO
Play KDM People of the Stars
Play KDM People of the Sun
Play KDM Gambler CampaignOptional:
- Win White Gigalion Vignette
- Win Black Knight Campaign
- More of above
Hobby Pledges
- Paint at least as many models as I gain
- If a faction/game starts the year 100% painted it should end the year 100% painted
- Always get it painted before it gets to the table
- Finish Gamblers Chest playable non-modular minis
- Paint ATO Minis ahead of playing with them
- Paint Black Knight playable non-modular minisOptional
- A bust for Spring Cleaning Challenge? (Probably not going to happen)
- Aim for less that 20 unpainted Normal models (Currently 78 with KS’s in the ether), but, ignoring any end of year preorder deliveries (Miracles can happen!)
December 4, 2023 at 8:16 pm #1852012Hopefully I get all these green and then add some more as the year goes on:
Paint more models than I buy
Assemble and Paint Knight Castellan
Paint Lion El’Jonson
Assmble and Paint Necromunda gangDecember 5, 2023 at 8:39 am #1852033> Finish Gloomhaven with friends
Woo! GH. I have Crimson Scales to do, myself. I’m also painting Wildspire mini’s as proxies!
CS: https://www.thecrimsonscales.com/
W: https://www.amazon.com/stores/WildspireMiniatures/page/B343BFEF-3714-440E-9750-50FC66D51848?ref_=ast_bln
Lemme know if you want me to post my “How to print Crimson Scales without being Overwhelmed” notes on the CS Fan Page or Reddit GH group. 😀
Anyway, that’s enough of a pledge for 2024. Play 48+ CS scenarios and paint a hundred or so Wildspire mini’s. 😛
December 5, 2023 at 9:39 am #1852044I think we’re skipping the fan content. We’ve a few other games waiting their turn to be played, and a copy of Frosthaven to get to. Gloomhaven is great, but it’s time for something different for a while at least. If this was my primary solo game and I was playing more than 5 times a year I’d definitely have looked in to CS. I’ve soloed Jaws of the lion, and added those characters to our GH campaign.
December 5, 2023 at 10:47 am #1852052Let’s make a quick list with little to no regrets at the end of 2024…. at least I hope so.
- Paint up all Star Wars: Legion minis I have bought up to the end of 2024.
- Play a game of Frostgrave
- Play a game of Bot War
- Go to a convention in relationship to our hobby
- Finish a project that is yet unfinished.
I don’t know why but the google doc messes up the width of the cells. Apologies.
December 5, 2023 at 11:11 am #1852057All fixed. I’m guessing that was an issues caused by copy and paste overwriting the formatting?
December 5, 2023 at 11:17 am #1852059I guess but I wonder why it didn’t happen on the first cell…. google you’re weird.
December 8, 2023 at 1:24 pm #1852443Thanks @lawnor for setting up the 2024 hobby pledge thread.
I got distracted on my pledges this year so let’s be realistic for 2024, here’s mine:
– Complete my current Bushido terrain
– Complete my Tuscany Hill Village terrain build
– Paint all of the models in the Bushido Yuta start set (I’ve asked for it for Christmas 🙂 )
– Paint FoW 8.8cm Anti Tank guns
– Paint FoW 8.8cm Flak guns
– Paint FoW Berlin Infantry Platoons
– Get some games of FoW in
That’s probably enough to be getting on with
December 16, 2023 at 4:30 pm #1853764Thanks @lawnor for getting this set up for another year. As usual I’m in for 2024. My standard pledge applies which is 365 minis painted within the year. I won’t do a full pledge until I’ve finished work on 2023’s projects. The only ones I know for definite are my New Year’s project which will be “A War Transformed” and I’m working out the final details on a Lion Rampant version of the Spanish Aztec War.
December 21, 2023 at 1:23 pm #1854310Ok for me there a couple of pledges carried over from last year regarding my Napoleonic French army (I only managed to paint one battalion of infantry last year). And a couple that are extensions regarding my Ancient armies that started out as skirmish forces and now have rapidly grown into full “rank and flank” armies. So lets see how I do at the end of 2024.
- Paint at least as many figures as I add to the collection (failed that one this year ?)
- Complete at least 4 battalions of French Napoleonic Infantry
- Complete 2 regiments of French Dragoons
- Finish the Republican Roman army for To the Strongest
- Finish the Carthaginian Army for To the Strongest
December 24, 2023 at 12:18 pm #1854539I felt its about time I commit to this finally. If anything I think documenting what I have planned might actually motivate me to get stuff completed, 2023 was a very ad-hoc hobby year for me. I know I’ll inevitably end up buying new figures so in the interest of being realistic I thought I’d focus on projects I have ongoing.
I’ve come up with the following:
- Attend CrackCon 5 (The Plastic Crack Podcasts now annual meetup)
- Play a game of Battlegroup
- Play a game of Kings of War
- Play a game of Barons War
- Play a game of Flames of War
- Play a game of Team Yankee
- Play more games of Victory at sea
- Play more games of Soldiers of Napoleon
- Aim to attend the club at least once per month
- Finish off the last remaining figures and units in my existing Prussian Napoleonic Brigades (I’ve 3 brigades but none fully completed)
- Complete 20mm DAK infantry Platoon
- Complete 3 20mm Panzer III’s
- Complete 3 20mm 8 Rad armoured cards
- Complete various 20mm support weapons and teams
- Start forces for Kings of War (to be expanded as I go)
- Caesar In Gaul Project (to be broken down)
- Aim to paint up Black Seas Collection
- Aim to paint up Victory at Sea collection
- Film at least 3 show reports for youtube
- Attend a new show
- Release the equivalent of 1 YouTube video per month (12)
December 29, 2023 at 3:24 pm #1855081My hobby pledge for 2024 is:
Buy zero miniatures
A bit dramatic sounding I know, but hear me out. I have five Kings of War armies to build and paint, probably 500 Bolt Action minis to build and paint, and 500+ sci fi and fantasy miniatures to build and paint, 20+ vehicles to build and paint, 30+ mdf buildings to build and paint. Probably about 2k figures assembled and primed and ready to paint.
December 30, 2023 at 7:28 am #1855177Not updated sheet as on phone, will do later, but mine are pretty simple which I find works best
1) Paint more minis that I buy, has nearly worked last 2 years and dramatically increased my numbers of finished minis
2) No new projects until current ones are finished. Exemptions: I will be backing asoif tactics and if the following release will probably crumble. Epic hail ceasar, specifically punic wars, Rogue trooper from warlord, Kurnoth based force for AoS.
3) Try oil paints
4) Finish my Endor project
5) Sell dead and abandoned projects and excess minis
Aspirational goal is to finish a force for all current system without one. Most are in progress already so maybe achieved.
That is Bolt Action (US airborne), AoS (Flesheater courts), Saga (vikings and kislev or orcs and goblins), Oathmark (Undead), Moonstone (Fauns), Crisis Protocol (Spider-foes)
December 30, 2023 at 10:35 am #1855181I’m terrible at pledges and new years resolutions, but I had an idea last night that might be worth trying.
I have a pie of TTCombat tiles that are 12 inches square and some ruined building terrain along with some Carnevale buildings that have no bottoms (Carnevale takes place outdoors, so no floor required).
Plan goes like this…
1) Create a modular skirmish table with each tile holding several pieces of ruined building.
2) Make sure that the Carnevale building will completely cover the ruins by trimming the ruins if necessary.
3) End up with a ruined battlefield that can be used for wargames and have option of placing buildings on top that won’t move if nudge by players that can be used for Carnevale and RPGs.
Not really a dungeon… so won’t qualify for Dungeonalia, but it might free up some storage space.
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