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144artist paints Mantic's Terrain Crate

144artist paints Mantic's Terrain Crate

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Third Group of Plants Primed

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3
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I’m closing in on the last of the contents of my first Terrain Crate3 crate.  As I have mentioned, I have another, blissfully unopened one waiting under the desk.  I’ll be adding the remnants of this crate to that before I start work on a couple of very large forest bases.  I started with an all over Army Painter Army Green as the base and then sprayed Games Workshop white from above for the zenith effect.  I really like using washes, dips, and stains to paint these and am especially pleased with how the wet blending comes out.

Third Group of Plants Primed
Third Group of Plants Primed
Third Group of Plants Primed
Third Group of Plants Primed
Third Group of Plants Primed
Third Group of Plants Primed

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