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American Civil War - The Regiment from country roads West Virginia, Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River

American Civil War - The Regiment from country roads West Virginia, Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River

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Return to the South

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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After a long hiatus of trying to keep this blog up to date, I’ve finally made time to bring this hobby project up to date.

I’ve been able to have a few games with The Giant’s Big Game Group based in Northern Ireland. we’ve been keeping to our commitment of a bigh game at the end of everymonth. A mix of Civil war and War of the Roses.

I’ve had a great time fighting for the South. The South mostly wining our battles and I feel like I’ve had an important role holding the line or turning a flank. So a good time all around, even our defeat felt epic.

See below for a few photos from one of our battles.

We have been using the Black Powder 2nd Edition rules from Walrord Games. We half the distances and ranges which gives us enough room to manouver on the 6×4 foot tables.

We have had anything from a four to a seven player game, allowing us to have epic conflicts with several brigades per side.

This rule set has been fun to use, it is easy to understand if someone teaches you but the rule book has alot of unecessary prose that makes the rules seem less concise than they are. I am currently in the process of condensing the rules to a spreadsheet with just the data we need, which I will share with our group.

I lacked a painted general for my brigades, so I put these two bases together. Now my regiments have a brave general to lead them through the hail of lead to victory.I lacked a painted general for my brigades, so I put these two bases together. Now my regiments have a brave general to lead them through the hail of lead to victory.

This has been my first attempt at painting horses and I am pleased with the results. For these I have used Zandri Dust from GW and Mahognay Wood form Vallejo, with a thinned wash of Army Painter Dark Tone.

I have no highlights as I am dealing with quantity in this project and have lots more planned. I’ve found Dark Tone does not overly darken the miniature and settles well in the recesses, perfect for me wanting to skip the highlight stage.

I added a few spare infantry from my Perry starter set to the general’s base to make them more interesting. The bugler is a spare from the artilleryman sprue. The sharpshooter was a freebie with an order for a Black Powder supplement for the ACW.

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