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I'm going to have a Bar Room Brawl this Christmas!

I'm going to have a Bar Room Brawl this Christmas!

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Intro - Memories of days gone by and future plans.

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 5

When I saw Mantic Games were releasing a single run Advent Calendar  ( – link to show what I know about it and not face copyright problems although I’m sure Ronnie isn’t as harsh as YouTube ( which was a great insult when I lived in Edinburgh (and yes multiple brackets – remember BODMAS))) I was intrigued.

I’m not usually a fan of the fantasy games with some exceptions, Moonstone Gerry, but the fact that this was called Bar Room Brawl gave me flashbacks to my youth.  Yes I grew up in a Catholic household so Advent Calendars and Candles were a thing.  The Bar Room Brawls came in my 40’s but that’s a different tale (message me if you want to hear some cautionary tales, proud but not proud of defending drunks from predators).  So you can see why this game/piece of Festive Cheer would appeal to me.

As I said in the Title/Headline the aim is first of all to resist the temptation to open the windows before December 1 and secondly to have a fully painted game by 25th December.   6 minis in close to a month you say, no problem.  Read on.

There are a number of challenges I face with this:

  1. I have some problems with my eyes which means sometimes I can’t do any painting and days I do 5 hours is about my limit.
  2. I work nights as a Retail Replenishment  Colleague for Produce ( yeah Bubble doesn’t stick the veg out at Asda, I do) and this is about to be the busiest time of year.
  3. My son is staying with me and sleeps in my painting room but works days so access to my hobby space is limited.
  4. I have no idea what is behind each window, Advent Calendar etiquette leaves the biggest reveal for the 24th but game logic would say dice on the 24th.  If it is a mini I am working Christmas Eve.
  5. Finally, I’m also trying to get an Enforcer’s team built and painted for Necromunda.

That is all my excuses laid out in advance.  Now the Plan.

  1. Paint each model to a good table top standard at the very least, after all these are limited edition hand cast resin minis.
  2. Try to get them painted on the day of opening, or at least until the next one is revealed.
  3. Make use of Contrast/Speadpanit/Xpress Colour where possible to, well speed thigs up and add contrast in an Xpress way!
  4. Keep terrain simple – basecoat, wash, drybrush should do it.
  5. And finally try to upload an update each day – my Advent Calendar to you x.

That’s all for now – see you Friday (and I’ll try to use less brackets( and some of my Bar Room Brawl stories do involve wearing a kilt(although to be honest it had a zip so it was a skirt!)))

Please note this message is not meant to glamorise violence of any kind but let’s face it we play war games and life can be S**t.  Love to you all.


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Cult of Games Member

I picked up the game/calendar as well so am looking forward to following your progress.

Cult of Games Member

Also picked the calendar up but have had to admit to myself that it is going to be kept for next year! I’ve also been wondering if they will have something easy like dice/counters on the last day rather than a mini to try and paint. Looking forward to following along with your progress.

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