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Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion Giving it all up. Just too frustrating… Reply To: Giving it all up. Just too frustrating…



When I played Warmachine and Hordes I built an army that I liked the look of, not an optimised one that made the best use of points. I lost as many as I won, but they were only friendly games and it’s the playing that mattered.

Sadly I’ve not had chance to play that in years, but I still dig the minis out when I need some for an RPG encounter. Hordes in particular make great RPG enemies.

Personally, I always found the fluff in Warmachine and Hordes so much more interesting than that in anything GW do. Warcasters and Warlocks had established rivalries and backstories that appealed to me… and I can pronouce their names… plus there are good guys and bad guys… unlike 40k where everyone is an evil bastard.

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