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Aeon Trespass Odyssey

Aeon Trespass Odyssey

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Final final model - Helios

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This is the very final model from the first box. I believe it’s Helios, God of the Sun. It servers no in game purpose, hence why I did it last. It was a nice refreshing model to paint though.


The skin was painted bugman’s glow, washed reikland fleshshade, then layered with cadian fleshtone then kislev flesh.


The hair was painted xv-88, washed seraphim sepia, then highlighted balor brown followed by zamesi desert.


The loin cloth was painted celestra grey, washed nuln oil watered down with water 50:50, then highlighted ulthuan grey followed by white scar.


The clouds were painted the same as the loin cloth except the wash was watered down drakenhoff nightshade.


The rocks were painted mechanicus standard grey, washed nuln oil, then highlighted dawnstone followed by administratum grey.


The sun halo was painted averland sunset, washed casandora yellow, then highlighted  flash gitz yellow, then given a fine edge highlight of white scar.

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