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From the workbench of the esteemed Horati0nosebl0wer

From the workbench of the esteemed Horati0nosebl0wer

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Have you been to Mongolian Grill?

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Such a lovely little hordeSuch a lovely little horde

So I’ve put together the box of Steppe Warriors and Mongol Cavalry box that I ordered a couple of months ago. I thought doing a force for SAGA would be fun but I have no need with so many armies of my own queued up. I have made amends with my conscience and wallet that this is going to be the starter force for the son of someone I know at my FLGS. The father plays SAGA Age of Crusades so I can play him occasionally with my figures as is barring monsters. On the flip side he would need monsters and his knights would fit right in. To give the young lad something to do I thought it best for him to have his own army which he could also face off against his dad with. Bringing in a young pup to chew on something other than 40K is alright by me.

As a quick aside I think Gerry might recognize some Amazons, in a lovely tote in the background, which may get painted at some point.

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