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Elessar2590: The Fall of Singapore

Elessar2590: The Fall of Singapore

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The Japanese

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
These minis are 3D Prints of These minis are 3D Prints of "Sons of Yamato" a Kickstarter Campaign.
The miniatures are undercoated with a light colour and base coated with Vallejo Khaki. The miniatures are undercoated with a light colour and base coated with Vallejo Khaki.
The finished miniatures.The finished miniatures.
The Japanese
The 3D Printed OfficerThe 3D Printed Officer
The Japanese
A Conversion made from a Metal Warlord Body and Head and Plastic ArmsA Conversion made from a Metal Warlord Body and Head and Plastic Arms
The Japanese
Test BasesTest Bases
The Japanese

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Cult of Games Member

Love these minis. Great work man.

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