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Resolution 2023: Race Against Raging Heroes

Resolution 2023: Race Against Raging Heroes

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Liche King

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Liche King

This ones a big model so I decided to try and copy Raging Heroe’s relatively simple render colour scheme. The guy next to him is a regular 28/32 mm human sized figure.


The base was talassar blue with a etherium blue drybrush.


The wings and column of spirit hands was painted plaguebearer flesh.


The red areas were painted blood angels red. The hat got a couple of layers of nuln oil  to give the faded to black effect.


The inner chest cavities were painted volupus pink.


The bone areas were painted skeleton horde then drybrushed tyrant skull.


The sword and chain were painted basilicanum grey then drubrushed necron compound.


The gold armour was painted snakebite leather  then drybrushed golden griffon.


The staff was painted apothecary white.


The gems were painted abaddon black, then runefang steel, then spiritstone red.

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