Build Your Scylla Legion With New DakkaDakka.Store Kickstarter
November 2, 2023 by brennon
DakkaDakka.Store are back on Kickstarter with another 3D Printing Kickstarter that will allow you to build a pretty badass army for your 28mm to 32mm scale Sci-Fi wargames. The Scylla Legion are on the warpath with a 2.0 update that introduces a bunch of new bits and revamped accessories that can make some sneaky traitors!
Scylla Legion 2.0 Kickstarter // DakkaDakka.Store
The Scylla Legion have been designed as an awesome army of dragon/hydra-themed soldiers wearing some seriously awesome power armour. As sneaky traitors and masters of stealth and subterfuge, they are going to be a solid choice for someone wanting to build a unique-looking version of the Alpha Legion in games like Warhammer 40,000 or The Horus Heresy. You could also take them beyond that and drop them into games like Grimdark Future or any Sci-Fi game that takes your fancy!
For those that took part in the first Scylla Legion campaign, there is already a pledge set aside where DakkaDakka.Store will have a look at what you got previously and compare that against this new Kickstarter. Additionally, there is also (as is now the standard!) a free pack that you can download from DakkaDakka.Store that allows you to test out the components that they have created for this campaign.
Scylla Legion Bits Set // DakkaDakka.Store
It's also worth having a look at what DakkaDakka.Store have shown off when it comes to printed miniatures. It's nice seeing all of the renders but often, you want to see how the miniatures print so you can work out if it's worth you diving in.
Scylla Legion Printed Examples // DakkaDakka.Store
These look to have come out very nicely indeed. As with previous campaigns, you can either use these bits as they are and build complete miniatures using what's available in this campaign OR you can just pick and choose what you like, adding this to existing plastic and resin kits.
Scylla Legion 2.0 Pledges
When it comes to pledging for the campaign, there is a great base set which comes with a load of awesome options for building up your army. You get the Tactical Scylla Squad and the Assault Scylla Squad which can be used to make your core infantry and also some great jump infantry which can threaten objectives in different areas of the tabletop.
Scylla Legion Base Set // DakkaDakka.Store
Additional miniatures within the Base Set also include some awesome characters that come in regular and heavy armour plus the Legion Destroyer Squad which can be used as the bodyguard for some of those characters. There are also some ace upgrade bitz which can be used to add to vehicles so that you can theme the army around the Scylla Legion.
It should also be noted that if you're diving into this campaign, you can get the miniatures preassembled if you like. This means that DakkaDakka.Store build your units for you based on a standard set-up and you just have to get painting. So, you've got plenty of flexibility when backing.
You can even get some great extra weapons and such which can be used to enhance your army.
Scylla Legion Add-Ons // DakkaDakka.Store
Last but not least, it's worth looking at the different Stretch Goals or "Milestones" that you can unlock as part of the campaign. These are throwing in more awesome characters like the brilliant Pharacit Dragonborn Lord (phwoar!) and the Stormwave.
Scylla Legion Milestones // DakkaDakka.Store
More is on the cards to get unlocked through the course of the campaign and I don't doubt that we're going to see all of these and more being added into the mix. Depending on your pledge, you might get your hands on the milestones as they get unlocked but there is also a giveaway bundled in alongside the campaign which could end up with you getting more stuff!
Scylla Legion 2.0 Kickstarter // DakkaDakka.Store
Make sure to check out the campaign over on Kickstarter and let us know if you'd get these rewards as bits or as preassembled miniatures!
Drop your thoughts below...
"...there is a great base set which comes with a load of awesome options for building up your army"
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How do they…
…to Horus Heresy?
I’ll see myself out.
To go into that it might dragon a bit…
I’ll also see myself out.
Reading the comments really calls for a thick skin.