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Building the Old West

Building the Old West

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Tutoring 1
Skill 3
Idea 3
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I decided to start work on the stage coach. This is the undercarriage and suspension. I’m going to pattern this stagecoach after the Wells Fargo line and their coaches have a two tone scheme with the undercarriage being yellow. I decided to start work on the stage coach. This is the undercarriage and suspension. I’m going to pattern this stagecoach after the Wells Fargo line and their coaches have a two tone scheme with the undercarriage being yellow.
I also started working on some cactus too. I got these from the train section of the local hobby store. Annoyingly the plants are glued to a foam base inside of a plastic package. They also have extensions that protrude from the base. So I had remove the rubber glue and trim the stems. I then glued them to some Warlord Games recessed bases. I also started working on some cactus too. I got these from the train section of the local hobby store. Annoyingly the plants are glued to a foam base inside of a plastic package. They also have extensions that protrude from the base. So I had remove the rubber glue and trim the stems. I then glued them to some Warlord Games recessed bases.

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