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Coral Reef Underwater Terrain Board

Coral Reef Underwater Terrain Board

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Step Four: Painting

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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So everything that I’d made so far got a quick spray with the same spray paint I used on the board.

i would later give it a quick drybrush of a lighter tone of cheap craft paint.

Step Four: Painting

Of course, not everything ended up being brilliant scratch-built artistry.  The flat pieces you see in the picture above are from Archon Studio’s “Swamps of Doom set, which I was able to get ahold of.  My plan was to paint the tufts in a lurid pink to look like anenomes anemnones anemomes wavy critters.  However, with the sun going down on Halloween night and TerrainFest coming to an end, I had to post up what I had.  C’est la guerre.

Another piece I had was part of Reaper’s last Kickstarter, a haunted anchor that seemed a good fit.  This is another member of the “to be painted” club.

Here is the laziest entry.  The recent Avatar film featured plenty of underwater action, and thus the attendant toys, doomed to end up in the bargain bin (and thus my grubby paws,) featured appropriate terrain accents.  This is the base for one of the crab robots from the movie (you can look forward to one day seeing that vehicle repurposed into a Leagues of Votann Sagitaur proxy.)  I removed the little post that held the craft and put it on the table more or less as is, with no more than a quick drybrush of the ubifying color to help it blend.  Easy peasy.

Step Four: Painting

Paradoxically, the most work-intensive was the quickest, because I’d already made them for an earlier project.  These shipwreck pieces were made from coffee stirrers, square dowels and matchsticks, a paintbrush handle for the bowsprit, and some thread for rope details.  The figurehead is an old Heroclix figute with its spandex painted as garishly-painted wood (in an earlier story, a party was tasked with recovering this piece of art, but that is a story for another day.)

Step Four: Painting

And so, with all of the elements as ready as I was going to get it before the deadline, and with ravening hordes of trick-or-treaters beating down the door for their unearned confections, I post here a finished-ish photo of the board so far.

Step Four: Painting

In the immortal (literally) words of The Kurgan: “Happy Halloween, Ladies!”

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