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Battletech terrainfest2023 turns into spring clean challenge 2024

Battletech terrainfest2023 turns into spring clean challenge 2024

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Everything on hold I get a parental summons!

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Here I am a grown man of 55 in charge of my own destiny having plans for terrain fest and my final weeks push when mum says I’m overdue a visit. Well I can safely say that even at 55 I don’t argue with mum, the oldies amongst you will probably understand the youngsters not so.
that’s taken me out of action for four very important and needed days, so what should I have been doing?

yes before the comments come I’m watching strictly come dancing, no I’m not coming out, and no I’m not sat in a frock.. I’ll simply give you a name Jovita prystal Google this professional dancer and any red blooded male would have it on.

Well for starters there’s another skyscraper of sorts and a comstar temple 75% doneWell for starters there’s another skyscraper of sorts and a comstar temple 75% done

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