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Battletech terrainfest2023 turns into spring clean challenge 2024

Battletech terrainfest2023 turns into spring clean challenge 2024

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So who is my Opponent?

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My opponent @igetgames is a newbie snagged from long forgotten warhammer fantasy battle of years ago, I’ve introduced him to Battletech and well that little seed has taken root and we are now planning epic narrative games. Our last one didn’t finish till 04:00 but did he creep off home to bed no! He was up till 06:00 thinking of ideas for our next game.

This is the backstory to his mercenary company.

The Order of Lazarus: A Mercenary Lance with a Divine Purpose

In the far-flung reaches of the Inner Sphere, where the ravages of war and chaos were all too common, there emerged a unique and enigmatic mercenary force known as the “Order of Lazarus.” Led by a charismatic and devout leader named Shamus O’Hare, the Order of Lazarus became a force to be reckoned with in the cutthroat world of BattleTech. Their origins and purpose were shrouded in mystery, but one thing was clear: they were driven by an unshakable faith and a fierce determination to bring order to the chaos of the Inner Sphere.

The heart of the Order of Lazarus was their leader, Shamus O’Hare, a master MechWarrior who piloted a heavily modified Red Reaper mech, a symbol of their unwavering faith and martial prowess. The Red Reaper was equipped with a formidable shield and a massive energy sword, making it a symbol of both protection and divine retribution on the battlefield. Shamus himself was a formidable figure, his combat skills matched only by his fervent devotion to the ancient Order of Lazarus.

The origins of the Order of Lazarus traced back to a long-forgotten religious sect that had existed in the Inner Sphere for centuries. This ancient order believed in the sanctity of life and the preservation of knowledge, values that had become increasingly rare in the war-torn Inner Sphere. The Order of Lazarus saw themselves as the champions of these values, vowing to protect the innocent and ensure that the flames of civilization would continue to burn, no matter the cost.

Their green-colored Mechs and dropships became a symbol of hope for those who found themselves caught in the crossfire of the countless conflicts that plagued the Inner Sphere. The Order of Lazarus was known for their fleet of dropships, including one called the “Iron Wind,” a Union-class dropship. This vessel served as the mobile headquarters and logistical backbone of the Order, allowing them to swiftly deploy their forces to trouble spots and provide aid to those in need.

The pilots of the Order were not just mercenaries; they were zealots who believed that their actions were divinely guided. They saw their mission as a sacred duty, and they were willing to make any sacrifice necessary to achieve their goals.

Over time, the Order of Lazarus built a fearsome reputation as a powerful and relentless force on the battlefield. They were sought after by desperate governments and beleaguered worlds alike, willing to pay a high price for their protection and guidance. Their legend grew with each victorious campaign, and their faith only deepened as they continued to witness the horrors of war.

But even as they fought for order and justice in the Inner Sphere, the Order of Lazarus remained a mysterious and elusive force, their true goals and origins known only to a select few. Some whispered that they possessed ancient relics and knowledge that could change the course of history, while others believed that their leader, Shamus O’Hare, had been touched by a divine hand.

In the turbulent and war-torn Inner Sphere, the Order of Lazarus stood as a beacon of hope, a force of unwavering faith and unwavering resolve. They were the defenders of the innocent, the champions of order, and the living embodiment of an ancient creed that refused to be extinguished.


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