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Mordheim in the Cursed City of Ulfenkarn

Mordheim in the Cursed City of Ulfenkarn

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The Vharngate Towers

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3
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The tower is built in sectionsThe tower is built in sections

The Vharngate Towers

The gateway now completed we move on to the two towers which will stand either side of them. The tower come from the same company as the gateway and come in sprue form. The bottom element is in 3 parts which create a circle lip section. On to this 6 curved walls are joined together to form the lowest section which curves out at the bottom. The middle sections are nicely detailed floors with the stair case in the middle. Around the floor you glue more curved section some with arrow slits. On the top floor section you have to build three sets of crenellation and glue them together around the top. The effect is a top of the tower overhangs the body slightly which gives it the look you see on these tower.


The sections have tabs around the side on the inner section. This allows you to slot them into place to hold firm enough that you don’t have to glue them. This allows you to open the section up and place minis inside if you are playing D&D. 


 The tower are smaller than square one form Renedra but scale up well to walls from them. I am impressed with the overall look of the towers. They do remind me of the ones at Windsor castle I have seen and overall very happy with them.


Once built the towers are sprayed black with the colourforge primer before a drybrush of dark blues to light and finally a soft white to pick up the stone edges. I did try to put a wash on the wall after but it took away from the mottled blue of the stone work so i left them as they are.


I will look to add some more details later but for now the Vharngate is complete

The section slot together to form the completed towerThe section slot together to form the completed tower
The finish painted towerThe finish painted tower

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