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Afghan regular infantry

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Afghan regular infantry
The afghan regular army did exist in the 1880s and fought alongside the more commonly known tribals. I find it interesting to have them in red while the British are now in khaki. Some had a type of kilt on and had Highland units. The beehive hats make a nice change to turbans The afghan regular army did exist in the 1880s and fought alongside the more commonly known tribals. I find it interesting to have them in red while the British are now in khaki. Some had a type of kilt on and had Highland units. The beehive hats make a nice change to turbans
Afghan regular infantry
Afghan regular infantry
At the battle of Maiwand the British were completely out gunned by afghan artillery dispelling some colonial war myths. The artillery units have a very European look and did a lot of damage to British units that had to stand for a few hours at Maiwand in the firing lineAt the battle of Maiwand the British were completely out gunned by afghan artillery dispelling some colonial war myths. The artillery units have a very European look and did a lot of damage to British units that had to stand for a few hours at Maiwand in the firing line

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