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Building terrain of Doom

Building terrain of Doom

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An Epic undertaking

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Over the next few evenings my plan is to build some trenches and bunkers for use in epic 40k.

I’m going to use instructions from a white Dwarf magazine from a time long ago when pva and cereal box buildings were encouraged by gw.

I remember building these years ago with the help of my older brother as I was not trusted with glue and sharp things.

The plans from the White DwarfThe plans from the White Dwarf

The first step was to hunt out a cereal packet then mark out and make the bases, rather than going with square edges I trimmed the corners so I can set the trenches out I  wiggly lines.

I decided to only do one side of the trench line or as the article points out you get rather wide looking trenches that are hard to move your tiny dudes a out in.

I also decided to mount the card bases on some thin magnetic sheet, mainly to add some strength and to help stop the edges curling after painting.

Whilst the glue was drying in the bases it was time to cut out the walls of the trenches and the teeny tiny buttresses. The walls were quite thin so I doubled up the wall sections and used prit stick to join them together as pva made the card curl.

Then It’s time to stick your fingers to everything, found out the hard way that super glue is great for this as pva let’s the card slide around before it drys

Once that was all dry it was time to splodge on some filler that was then coated in modge podge glue to make it nice and strong

The bunkers were made in the same way, think I messed up my measurements as the bunker is supposed to be as wide as a cavalry base, I just gave the bunkers a lip at the front rather than starting again.

Tried to make some imperial symbols for the top of the bunkers, the wings are just card strips and the circles are the little sticky plastic blobs you can use to stop things sliding around.


Leaving these to dry for a bitLeaving these to dry for a bit
Last bit before splashing on some paint I glues some sand round the bases to give it some texture.Last bit before splashing on some paint I glues some sand round the bases to give it some texture.

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