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Port Blacksand

Port Blacksand

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On the search for ingredients.

Tutoring 11
Skill 13
Idea 15
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From memory there was a list of ingredients that were needed to take on Zanbar Bone, one of those was Hag’s hair which I think was found in the city sewers.

I am still waiting for a copy of the book to arrive, so I am trying to do this from memory.

Anyway, even if I am wrong and have my books mixed up what city would be complete without a network of sewerage tunnels beneath it to explore?

These are painted up in the same way as the rest of the stonework, are completely modular and just the beginning of the sewer network.  For the filth floating between the walkways, I used Vallejo British Army Uniform and covered it with ultra gloss wood varnish.

I have plenty more sewer segments to do.  However, I don’t intend to do a full layout of them, just enough to create numerous different scenes of about 2′ square.  After all, any gameplay in the sewer system will most likely be at a skirmish level.  I will do a few pieces with pipework’s as well because these would also fit in nicely with my Gaslight project.

On the search for ingredients.

Once I have built all I intend to do I will go back over the sewage with some two-part epoxy to help disguise the very layered look a bit.

It doesn’t overly bother me as it is and the layers look less noticeable to the naked eye, but they don’t look great in pictures.  On the plus side, the layers make a nice stable platform for placing figures on.


I also had the box of skulls from Citadel delivered at last.   I intend to use these for my version of ‘The Singing Bridge’.  Well, that’s the plan anyway.

On the search for ingredients.

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