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Strange New Worlds - a TerrainFest of alien forestry

Strange New Worlds - a TerrainFest of alien forestry

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A pretty much finished base piece

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Here’s a base piece which I’m happy is now 99% complete.

I’ve added quite a few of the Gamers Grass paper plants, along with some little floral tufts. You can see I also painted up some of the MTG resin Monstera (cheese plant) leaves and added those in too.

As final details, I’ve dotted around a fair few snail shells, with a glitter nail polish mucus trail – to make the jungle look lived in.

A pretty much finished base piece
A pretty much finished base piece
A pretty much finished base piece
A pretty much finished base piece
A pretty much finished base piece

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Cult of Games Member

These look amazing. So bright, colourful and alien.

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