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Seldon9 is Painting Dropfleet Commander Again

Seldon9 is Painting Dropfleet Commander Again

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The Scourge Battleship

Tutoring 6
Skill 9
Idea 9

I’ve had this set aside for ages to paint. Love the model and I magnetised it in order to use both variants.

Then I lost one set of the magnetised bits. Grrr. Ofcourse I found those parts after I’d finished painting it.

The ship is supposed to be an older type. I tried using a marble effect using wet wipes that had been dried out and stretched to make holes. I think it worked ok. I didn’t drybrush every ridge on the mini but selected a few and tinted the highglights with fluorescents. I was hoping this looking like it pulsed with energy. Otherwise it’s painted in the same way as the Scourge ships.

The Scourge Battleship
The Scourge Battleship

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CommodoreRobJill Gorram Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Stunning work on this project so far.

Cult of Games Member

Cracking work there, It is a fantastic model, as are all the DFC ones. It’s been so long since I have played in the Dropverse.

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