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TerrainFest 2023: Week 2 – Dealing with the boredom in Terrain projects

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    TerrainFest 2023: Week 2 – Dealing with the boredom in Terrain projects

    The hobby is suppose to be fun but that cannot always be the case. In fact with terrain projects large sections of the work can be damn right tedious. Painting and dry brushing one wall can be fine. Having to do that across 5-6 walls for hours on end, of cutting 300 foam bricks out of XPS. Terrain building often features simple tasks which require little thought that have to be repeated over and over.

    It got me thinking this week how do other people deal with these dull tasks?

    Personally not very well. I break up the task say painting the wall for 40 minutes then take a break. Maybe post onTableTop, make dinner, watch TV, build some models. I break up the task over time often days rather than face doing the task all in one go.


    Cult of Games Member

    Yeah, I’d love to say I cope with it well but the fact that my ratio of finished to unfinished terrain is so heavily weighted the wrong way, I clearly don’t! Much like batch painting though, I tend to stick on an audiobook or a long-form podcast. Many a boring batch of troops have been painted up whilst listening to a three hour long history or true crime podcast.


    Cult of Games Member

    For me I love the terrain side of the hobby, probably more than any other aspect of it, and generally have multiple terrain things on the go at the same time with a queue of other things just stacking up behind those just begging to be at the front of the line.

    So for me it’s more about staying focused long enough to finish a project without giving in to the excitement of starting something new.



    Cult of Games Member

    I’m very much focused on the project. But I’m at an impasse at the moment. The airbrush was meant to be the big tool for this project but it’s giving me nightmares. Also my brain i lacking any creative ideas on how to put what colours and paints on the buildings. Stipple? Drybrush? Slap Chop (yes with biting the thingy Gerry)

    I’ll be watching some videos on that matter later and hopefully come out the other end soon.

    Here is to terrain torture! XD

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