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Mordheim in the Cursed City of Ulfenkarn

Mordheim in the Cursed City of Ulfenkarn

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Battle Map

Tutoring 2
Skill 1
Idea 2
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City MapCity Map

Battle Map

Mordheim is played on a 4 by 4 typically but could also fit on a 3 by 3 space. I would have loved to do a fully designed board but time, skillset and most important space does not allow for it. I started to look around for a battle mat for the city. Battle mats are typically a cloth mouse mat design with a printed pattern which can be rolled up for easy storage and transport.

Sadly the price of battle mats have gone up quite a lot in the past few years like a lot of products have with rising costs and inflation. It is a worthy investment because they do last as long as you clean and look after them.

Looking around hobby stores in my country a lot of them appeared to be out of stock. Typically companies like Pworks, Deep Cut, etc. While you can order direct from them shipping costs, tax has to be paid so it is even more expensive.

I did find one from a company I had not heard of before Kraken Gaming Mats. I believe them to be based out of Germany but had a large stock in UK hobby shops. I was looking for cobble street mat of which they had two designs: a snow based street map and a standard one. Given I play frostgrave and Ulfenkarn is based in the north it seemed a logical choice to pick the snow one.

It arrived a few days ago and overall I am very impressed. People have commented Kraken mats are a little thinner than Deep Cut. I didn’t really notice the difference. The mat feels smooth made from a higher quality cloth, it lays flat and the print quality is very good. The mat is just perfect for what I was looking for.

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