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Building the Old West

Building the Old West

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Hey, Sarissa! Touch ups and lessons learned

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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An open letter to Sarissa Precision.  Good kits overall but they need a few additional interior details.  In this kit, there are two doorframes to go around the entrance from the office area to the cell block area but none for the cell windows, the front or side doors.  As a result when I applied the paper detailing it looks a bit ragged near those openings.  If there were framing, the frame would cover up much of that.

The paper detailing is nice and I’m mostly pleased but I definitely need to work on this some more.  A few spots got marred by some stray PVA glue  and even the most careful filing and cutting still left some ragged edges.  I’ll probably skip this step in most of the stores but come back to it whenever I get around to the hotel as I want to put up some fancy wallpaper on the walls.

As expected a few parts need to be sanded down to get a proper fit but nothing too bad. I did have to repaint a few areas.

Detail of interior door heading into the cell area. The supplied doorframe neatly hides any rough edges around the door. Detail of interior door heading into the cell area. The supplied doorframe neatly hides any rough edges around the door.
Detail of the front door. As you can see, it’s a bit ragged around the edges and down in the right hand corner. If anyone from Sarissa is reading this, there’s enough free space on the MDF board in this kit to add two more door frames. Detail of the front door. As you can see, it’s a bit ragged around the edges and down in the right hand corner. If anyone from Sarissa is reading this, there’s enough free space on the MDF board in this kit to add two more door frames.
Three more window frames would be nice here. Three more window frames would be nice here.
Clearly I didn’t take into account that the back of the sign doesn’t need the paper detailing. Probably won’t paint it over because if you remove the roof to play inside the jail, then that wall will look odd with the upper half painted in the dark brown and the lower half in the lighter paper detailing. Clearly I didn’t take into account that the back of the sign doesn’t need the paper detailing. Probably won’t paint it over because if you remove the roof to play inside the jail, then that wall will look odd with the upper half painted in the dark brown and the lower half in the lighter paper detailing.
I may do a little more weathering. Possibly a bit of drybrushing of the brick area but pretty happy with how it turned out. I may do a little more weathering. Possibly a bit of drybrushing of the brick area but pretty happy with how it turned out.
Jail and gallows together. Jail and gallows together.

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