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The Macau Incident

The Macau Incident

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The Scenerio

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The game will be using Black Seas by Warlord Games and will see a what if scenario for The Macau Incident 1799 where a powerful combined Allied Squadron of French and Spanish met a small British Escort force.



British Escort Squadron

Captain William Hargood

The British forces consisted of: 

  • HMS Intrepid, 64 Gun Ship of the Line
  • HMS Arrogant, 74 Gun Ship of the Line
  • HMS Virginie, 38 Gun Frigate

Allied Squadron

Rear-Admiral Ignacio María de Álava

The Spanish forces consisted of:

  • Europa, 74 Gun Ship of the Line
  • Montañés, 74 Gun Ship of the Line
  • Santa María de la Cabeza, 34 Gun Frigate
  • Santa Lucía, 26 Gun Frigate  

The French forces consisted of:

  • Preneuse, 40 Gun Frigate 
  • Brûle-Gueule, 20 Gun Corvette

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