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Building terrain of Doom

Building terrain of Doom

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Getting some terrain on the table

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 2
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Managed to get a small game of shatterpoint in at the weekend using one squad each and a smaller table with the three objectives across the middle on different levels. The highest objective was worth 2 points and the remaining 2 were one point each.

We set up the table on a 2′ x 2′ necromunda mat, I’m pretty  pleased with how it turned out, the multi level buildings joined up with walkways look pretty cool on the table top.

The table set up and ready for a small game The table set up and ready for a small game

Rhi took the initiative and flipped her first card activating ventris who using some force tokens was able to advance and force jump onto an objective that as it was the first turn would gain no points but would in the following turns.

Next it was Rexes chance to advance on an objective but due to my poor setting up of the ladders on my side of the table this proved more difficult than it should be. He did manage to order his fellow clone troopers forwards putting pressure on the central objective.

Kalani use one of his special rules to advance the b1 droids on to the second objective.

Anakin snuck around the corner of a building trying to scupper ventris’s plans of taking the highest objective.

The clone squad advance pouring shots into kalani but the dice gods were not in my favour missing or having there shots deflected by cover.The clone squad advance pouring shots into kalani but the dice gods were not in my favour missing or having there shots deflected by cover.
The b1 droids pour fire onto the clone troops forcing them back around the corner into cover keeping their objective securedThe b1 droids pour fire onto the clone troops forcing them back around the corner into cover keeping their objective secured

The first struggle was won by the seperatist as no matter how hard they tried the Republic force was not able to push the droids off and take hold the objectives.

The second struggle started well for the clones, by moving into the open they were able to take an objective early on.

However a fight over the highest objective between Anakin and ventris sealed the deal for the separatists snatching victory from the republics grasp and winning the struggle and with it the game.


Ventris took the initiative early on and using a force point jumped up to the highest objective gaining more points.

Anakin try to stop this in the vein hope of wounding ventris so he coukd take controll of the objective for the Republic.

My grand plan was to use his two activations to move across the table and up the ladder knowing that I still had a shatter point card to use allowing me to activate Anakin again.

If only I remembered Rhi still had her shatterpoint card in the deck and it was the next to be revealed.

Ventris  with a wicked smile jumped into action and attacked Anakin with a flurry of blades which he defended well and was even able to score some damage back even when defending by using a special rule he has in defence, unfortunately ventris had enough hits to force push Anakin off the top of the building and the objective sealing  victory for the seperatists

The swash buckling fight that sealed my forces fate. The battle ended with Anakin only able to look on as Ventris carried out her mission at the objective The swash buckling fight that sealed my forces fate. The battle ended with Anakin only able to look on as Ventris carried out her mission at the objective

Final thoughts.

Playing a game on fully painted scenery definitely makes a nice change, I found that it draws you into the game and makes it easier to create a narrative for the tiny fighting men.

It was also fun trying out different techniques on the scenery to see what effects can be achieved with a little bit of time and not much effort.

As far as shatterpoint as a game goes it was great fun. I wish the rule book was a bit easier to find things in and the use of symbols instead of words can be annoying but I’m sure that will work itself out the more I play.

The game itself definitely works well with multi level buildings and walkways, the forces are very fluid in there movements whether it be a leader moving units forwards or enemies forcing your units back with heavy blaster fire.

All in all its a fun rule set and the buildings and walkways included were fun and quite quick to build, as well as being full of details that add some background to your gaming table.

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