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A Long Time Ago...(A TerrainFest 2023 Blog)

A Long Time Ago...(A TerrainFest 2023 Blog)

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The Saga Begins….

Tutoring 7
Skill 8
Idea 8
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One thing I am so horrible at doing, in the miniature hobby, is keeping track of my “recipes” for things like paint schemes. This becomes a massive problem for me when I start an army, get bored, and put it away only to come back months (or years) later and try to remember what I was doing.

With that in mind, this entry will be a living document to track all of the supplies I use on this project. Hopefully this might even help anyone out there that might have a similar idea but not be certain one what products to get or avoid. Plus, it’ll also help me keep track of staying on budget (see the rules I made in the previous post)!

Anything listed without a date will be the supplies I initially started with from my own table and drawers of supples.

Terrain Sets/Kits/Etc:

  • Star Wars: Shatterpoint Core Set terrain. Simple and to the point. So much terrain was included in this box! (Pictures 1-2)
  • Star Wars: Legion Barricades. Yes, already sort of breaking the rules. However, when gathering all of the terrain to assemble, I noticed the barricades in a scatter terrain box. I haven’t played Legion in years, so might as well put the bits to good use. (Picture 3)
  • Random hobby store snake skeleton Halloween decoration (10/26/23)


  • Basing Materials:
    • Rubble made from plaster (specifically made from PerfectCaster)
    • Cork. Everybody loves a good cork rock or tower, right?
    • Huge Miniatures Weathering Powder – Sand.
    • Huge Miniatures Texture Paste – Desert. I have used the Snow versions of these products in a previous tutorial on Youtube, so I’m hoping these work the same. Ironically I got these two specifically to spruce up the Shatterpoint model bases.
    • Woodland Scenics: Fine Ballast.
    • Woodland Scenics: Medium Ballast.
    • Army Painter Brown Battleground.
    • Huge Miniatures: Tufts & Flowers – Desert Debris.
    • Woodland Scenics: Scenic Glue*
    • Woodland Scenics: Scenic Cement*
    • Woodland Scenics: Rock Mold (Boulders) (10/16/23)
    • Badger Stynylrez Primer: White (10/29/23)
    • Badger Stynylrez Primer: Gray (10/29/23)
  • Scratch Build Materials:
    • Evergreen Scale Models: Polystyrene Sheets .
    • Evergreen Scale Models: Polystyrene Tubes.

*Can use PVA glue as a substitute.

Alright. I think that covers everything, except things like paint brushes, sculpting tools, and so on. I figured that would be silly to include as they aren’t specialized tools, and everyone has their favorites. If I come across something I need a specific tool for I’ll add it.

Now…onto the build!

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