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Strange New Worlds - a TerrainFest of alien forestry

Strange New Worlds - a TerrainFest of alien forestry

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All about that base

Tutoring 7
Skill 9
Idea 9
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I cut the pieces out with a jigsaw, which i did not enjoy. I don’t know what it is about a jigsaw but it’s my least favourite power tool and is always so much harder to use than I expect it to be.

Once cut, I then bevelled off the edges with a rasp (? That really scrapy big file) and then sanded. The look amazing already and I am super-pleased.

Oh, and I’ve got the rough side up to glue the textures and pieces to, so the smooth underside will be placed onto gaming mats.

All about that base
All about that base
All about that base

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Cult of Games Member

Looks nice. If you don’t like the jigsaw maybe give a scroll saw a try. Those are available in hobby size too.

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